Kannik’s Korner- Sewing Pattern KK-4102 Man’s Shirt c.1790-1830 English Style Shirt


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THis pattern is for SIZES XS-S-N-L-XL-XXL-XXXL

Make the shirt basic or add the optional Bosom Ruffle.

The shirt in most cases became completely concealed under the immense wrappings of hte voluminous neckcloth; and hte frill was omitted.  The collar, een though 5 or 6 in. high, was no longer visable; the less advanced school, however, allowed it’s edge to peep over teh circumvallum that swathed the throat. Others, still more conservative, clung to the old insignia of rank with “frilled shirt and lace ends to necerchief”  This was usually reserved for evening dress; the ruffles at the wrist disappeared finally by the turn of the century. During the later part of the 1790’s not even a glimpse of shirt-cuff was shown, the coat-sleeve reaching down to the wrist.

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