About Your Longhunter Accessories Pattern
The Eastern Longhunter’s basic dress consisted of a loose frock or hunting shirt, belt, either a pair of breeches or Indian-style breechclout, leggings and moccasins of dressed deerskin. Several other items that the Longhunter might find necessary, not only for comfort but survival, are included in this set of patterns. MOst pieces were homemade from readily available materials, such as buckskin, tanned leather, and rawhide, and were aquired by trade with local settlers or the Indians. Leather was also locally tanned, then made into accouterments and sold or traded by local merchants in the settlements.
This pattern set is designed for use by the experienced or novice fraft worker. It includes extensive information on the layout and cutting of hides, patching and piecing of leather, various stitching & hemming techniques, fringing & attaching decorations, etc. These clear illustrations and photos showing exactly how you can create your own unique accessories to go with your outfit.
Included with this pattern set are: Flint & Gun Tool Wallet, Tomahawk Belt Carriage, Rawhide Tobacco & Bullet Canteen, Eastern Indian Pipe Bag, Tomahawk Sheath with Sling Carriage, Woodlands Indian Knife Sheath, Canadian Cap, and Eastern Riflemans Bag.
Notions & Tools
Glovers needles, awl, simulated sinew, real sinew, or thread; pliers (needle-nose preferred), thimble, sharp scissors (such as Gingher’s “Knife Edge”), and chalk pencil (for marking hides for cutting).
Material Requirements
Sizes shown below are approximate, as the natural shape of hides can vary considerably. Areas shown are the usable areas of the hides.

Where Buckskin is followed by a *, any soft-tanned leather may be used. A first choice is brain-tanned buckskin, followed by German-tanned buckskin. Other choices are commercially tanned buckskin or split cowhide (suede). Medium leather refers to supple, oil-tanned products such as “blacksmith sides”. Heavy leather is fairly thick and somewhat stiff, such as oak-tanned strap leather. Deer is perfect weight for the Thin Rawhide. Fur for the cap could be fox, coon, otter, beaver, coyote, etc.